Our Shelter is full of adorable kittens
soon to be ready for adoption


There are 60 incredibly adorable kittens in foster care right now and more coming in to the Sacramento SPCA every day. While these little sprouts are growing and getting ready for adoption, we’re working our tails off to keep up with them. It takes a ton of resources to care for this steady stream of wee ones! 

These kittens urgently need your help! Please make a gift today for our KITTEN SHOWER to provide the supplies needed to care for them! The items you purchase from Amazon will be shipped directly to us! We especially need these items:

  1. WET FOOD - One kitten, on average, will consume 15 oz of wet food each week! That means we need 790 cans of food to feed the kittens in foster care each week! That’s a lot of food!  
  2. BABY FOOD  - Meat flavored baby food is a great way to help baby kittens learn to eat on their own. It’s also a favorite of our finicky eaters!
  3. BREAKAWAY COLLAR - Completely safe and adjustable from 8 to 12-inches, the buckle on these collars are equipped to release when a kitten’s collar gets caught on something.
  4. TWO-DOOR CARRIER - Specifically designed for cats, these carriers have a top-load door that makes it easy to “scoop” kittens in and out for safe travel to and from foster homes.

Rather than donating via Amazon, you can also click here to make a donation! Your support is urgently needed!